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Dear one, God’s power is made perfect in weakness

Dear One

Have you come to a point that your imperfections and weaknesses  in life is dragging you down? These things which become a burden in your every day life and constantly reminding you that you are never enough?
You know what, In 2 Corinthians 12:8-9,  Paul prayed so hard to remove his thorn in a flesh but the Lord said to Him “My grace is sufficient for you and my power is made perfect in weakness”.
Maybe, we have have our own thorns and we are struggling and praying for it to be removed. Praying that one day we wake up and it’s gone.
God has a way of using it for good.
Despite of our imperfections and weaknesses, one day we will see how God can make our weaknesses turn into something beautiful.
We are all imperfect people and we are in the process of being better day by day through the work of Christ in our lives. 

Remind yourself this every single day that:
You are loved. You are blessed. You are beautiful. 
God wants you to walk in confidence that comes from Him alone.
His grace and His love is more than enough to sustain us.


Ms. P

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