Home » Devotional » LET GO AND LET GOD TAKE OVER


Have you ever felt doing everything you can but still you never achieve the goal or result you ever wanted?

                When Jesus called his first disciples, Simon worked hard all night but they did not catch a thing (Luke 5:5). Until Jesus came in their midst and said, “Now go out where it is deeper and let down your nets to catch some fish. (Luke 4:5).

                Maybe, the things that you are doing seems right in your own eyes and perspective but not in God’s perspective. The reason we are not getting the result we want because we are doing it our own way. We are taking Jesus out of the picture because sometimes we thought we should be the one in control of our own lives. At some point in our lives, we became like Simon who worked hard but got nothing. We got nothing maybe because we are trusting ourselves too much (our skills, intelligence etc.) and relying on other things more than God.

              When Jesus came in the picture, the situation changed. It is also because how Simon responded to Jesus.

But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again” (Luke 5:5)

Simon listened and obeyed Jesus. When they had done what Jesus said, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break (Luke 5:7).  If he never believed and obeyed Jesus’ words, will they be able to catch fishes at that moment more so become fishers of men?

                For the times that nothing good comes out of our effort and tears, come to God. He will give you rest and make your burden light. He will let you see the results you are not seeing. He will give you tangible results in His own ways and time. Let the Lord be the driver of your life. Let Him be in control over our lives.

It is the time for us to let go and let God be the one to lead us in every journey of our lives. It is time to trust and rely on God more than ourselves and more than what this world have.

Just by one word, one sentence, one command from God, everything will change.

JESUS will always be the answer to what we need and what the world needs.

Keep trusting the Lord.

To God be the Glory!

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