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Our journey in our faith is not always smooth sailing. We will experience rough times along the way. There will be times that it is difficult and painful but remind yourself that God is with you and He will help you to go through it.  Difficult times happen because it is one way to develop our character towards the righteousness that God set before us and it is a way for a spiritual and personal growth.

Our journey to our “promised land” is not always easy. There will be frustrations, exhaustion from constant waiting, doubt, loss of confidence etc. however, keep in mind that He who promised is faithful. Go back to the One who gave you the promise.  Whatever God had promised in your life, He will bring it to completion in accordance to His will and timeline for our lives.

so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose of which I sent it.

– Isaiah 55:11

We may experience hardships along the way but choose to stay in presence of God. Never consider to leave or to walk away from the Lord just because you feel that He forgot his promise and He left you because that is just a lie. Yes, your situation may be difficult and painful but choose to stay with God. Choose to stay not because you want something from the Lord not because there is a blessing waiting for you but stay because you will encounter and grow more with the Lord.

For those whom God already answered their prayers and facing trials at the moment, stay and never leave where God led you.  God brought you to your own promised land because He knows that you can overcome it. God will not allow anything that we will not be able to endure. Remember how you prayed so hard for it/ him/her and the moment that God answered your prayers. Will you just give up and turn your back because of what you are facing right now? Ask God to give you the strength and endurance to overcome whatever your situation. Ask God for wisdom to know the right thing to do.

David was anointed to be king while he was young and it did not go smoothly. King Saul chased him and  wanted to kill him. God was bringing David into his own promise land—to be king and David went through difficult times before the completion of God’s promise in his life. Despite of everything David went through, he chose to trust and praise God in any situation. He continued to stay in the presence of God. David continued to trust the Lord regardless of his situation and his feelings.

“How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?

How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?…

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praises for he has been good to me”

 -Psalms 13: 1-6

Whenever you feel like giving up, remember that Jesus chose to stay in this world until the end of his mission because of His love for us.  He stayed despite of betrayal, rejection and torture because of His love for you and me. He conquered death so that we could live.  Choose to stay and follow the path God has set before us. Never leave even if there are hard times because God will sustain us during this time. We could overcome not by our might nor by our power but only thru Christ.

Stay and hold on to Jesus. Never Leave!

To God be the Glory!

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